Wednesday, November 16, 2011

YouTube Video

For this assignment I downloaded some videos from YouTube and saved them to my computer in the video folder.  I used to download the video from YouTube to my computer.  The file was saved as a .flv and I did not convert because it wasn’t necessary.  The next step in the process was to create and log into my YouTube account.  (I will explain the process of creating an account in my next blog post.)  The next step was to upload the videos from my computer to my YouTube channel.  We were given a screenshot to help with this process.  Once the videos were uploaded their sharing options were available.  These options included the URL and the link for embedding the video in a blog post. 

This assignment follows NETS T standard #3 because it models digital-age work and learning.  This process will be very useful if I find videos I want to keep for my class.  By uploading the videos to my channel I will have access to them even if they are deleted from the original poster.   

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