Today’s assignment was to visit the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website. The NCES is the primary group responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to education. This data is important for teachers because they can use this data to determine where their state stands in comparison to others.
One of the programs NCES is responsible for is the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). From this website information can be input and the assessment results viewed. The assignment was to input the specific data to retrieve the 2011 results for 8th grade math students. I performed tests on this data and used it to write the results section of an APA paper.
This assignment follows NETS T standard #5 because analyzing research and reporting the data is important for professional growth.
In order to finish yesterday’s assignment I had to create a YouTube account. This was a very simple task. All I had to do was go to and click the link in the top right corner that says create account. I then setup my YouTube username and channel. I set my username to janawoofter and finished filling in the required form. The next step was to set my privacy and sharing parameters. This pretty much was all I needed to do to create the account.
This assignment follows NETS T standard #2 because using YouTube in the classroom is a creative way to design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.
For this assignment I downloaded some videos from YouTube and saved them to my computer in the video folder. I used to download the video from YouTube to my computer. The file was saved as a .flv and I did not convert because it wasn’t necessary. The next step in the process was to create and log into my YouTube account. (I will explain the process of creating an account in my next blog post.) The next step was to upload the videos from my computer to my YouTube channel. We were given a screenshot to help with this process. Once the videos were uploaded their sharing options were available. These options included the URL and the link for embedding the video in a blog post.
This assignment follows NETS T standard #3 because it models digital-age work and learning. This process will be very useful if I find videos I want to keep for my class. By uploading the videos to my channel I will have access to them even if they are deleted from the original poster.
Today’s assignment was to write parts of a research paper in APA style. The parts of the paper include title page, methodology, results, and references. We were provided with a sample paper written in APA format. I uploaded mypaper into Google Docs so I could include it.
This assignments falls under NETS T standard 5 because research is a good way to grow professionally.