Sunday, February 10, 2013

Double Entry Journal #3

I chose the following quote:
 “Children today grow up in an exciting and changing world of communication and media.  Television, digital technology, the Internet, video games, mobile phones, and personal desktop and wireless devices create novel ways for children to play, express themselves, learn, communicate, and explore texts, ideas, and identities” (Barab et al., 2005).

I decided on this particular quote because I completely agree with it.  Children today grow up with a massive amount of technology.  There are so many new and different things for children to play and learn with.  It amazes me to see my friend’s two-year-old playing matching and coloring games on her IPad.  He actually goes to his Mom and asks to play the shape game.  I have another friend with a four and five-year old who both have their own IPods.  At first I thought this was crazy but I have watched the girls play and realize they are learning while playing.  Since the start of this class I have started viewing video games in new ways, I now see their importance in moderation. 

The following is an article from PBS Parents.  It is about children and media specifically video games and preschoolers.  The article is titled Video Games:Preschoolers.  This article lists 5 ways to make the most of digital games and 4 game qualities that benefit children’s development.  I found it very interesting and thought it was fitting for this class.   

  • Barab, S., Thomas, M., Dodge, T., Carteaux, R., and Tuzun, H. (2005). Making Learning Fun: Quest Atlantis, A Game Without Guns. Educational Technology, Research and Development; 53, 1. 86.
  • PBS. org Video Games: Preschoolers. Retrieved from:   


  1. Thank you for sharing. I sent a link to this article to my daughter. Her sons (3 &4) don't have their own IPad, but they sure can teach their Grandmother a thing or two with some apps. There is good information here and it will be interesting to see how technology develops for this younger generation.

  2. Jana, I used to share the same feelings about young kids playing games everywhere you turn around. The last year and some more insight into how the games interact with kids has swayed me to think otherwise about negative views of young kids playing the vast assortment of video games available. I also agree with the point about MODERATION in gaming, which is the key to positive early experience with gaming. Its also amazing how little kids pick up on all these games and electronic devices. They truly will grow up in a different world than their parents!

  3. Games in MODERATION should be the course mantra! :)

  4. I really like the PBS article that you found and will recommend to my sister with my 2 nephews that are avid gamers. My sister and brother-in-law are good about screening games for the boys but this source is more in depth of what needs to be understood about gaming. In terms of moderation, I believe that games have only a part in educating students. They are a nice change of pace to keep attention.
