Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Audacity Part 2

I finally finished my Audacity assignment and I still have hair.  Once I finished editing the podcast in Audacity I referred back to the “How to…” for Audacity, I used previously, and watched the tutorial for converting my podcast to a MP3.  I then referred back to the LAMEencoder homepage and read the directions for locating the LAME file.  After I was educated on what I would be doing I went for gold and converted my podcast into a MP3 so I could publish it on Podbean.com. 
I had some difficulty with Podbean for some reason I could only get my files to upload partially.  I struggled for a while and then the technology fairies came and fixed it for me.  The moral of the story is stick with it and don’t give up.  J

So without further ado I present to you… “Music and MeThrough the Years

This assignment follows the NETS T standards, specifically standards #1 and #2.  Using this type of technology is definably inspiring and creative.  For example I posted my podcast on Facebook for my friends to listen to and I have had several people ask me how to do it so they can create one too.  I have a feeling in might inspire the same in students.  This activity also is very digital age and could be adapted for the classroom environment. 

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