Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Data Analysis

Today’s assignment first is a discussion about analyzing the data set we worked with in the previous blog, Excel Basics.  The discrete categories of the data are gender and teaching status.  The continuous categories are discussion posts, browser types, MBTI, personality type, and quiz average.   
The second part of the assignment discusses the development of our research question and hypothesis. 
Dependent variables 1: total discussion posts

Independent variables 1: male/female

Research questions 1: Does gender affect the total number of posts on the discussion board?

Hypothesis 1: Gender does not affect the total number of posts on the discussion board.

Null Hypothesis 1: Gender affects the total number of posts on the discussion board.

Dependent variables 2: the number of students

Independent variables 2: Safari/Chrome/Internet Explorer/Firefox

Research questions 2: Among the research group what is the most used web browser?

Hypothesis 2: Internet Explorer is the most used web browser.

Null Hypothesis 2: Internet Explorer is not the most used web browser.

This assignment follows NETS T standard #5 because we are partaking in research that will help us grow as teachers. 

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