Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 13 - Literature Review Topic/Resources


How can video games create authentic learning opportunities in school?

Literature Review:

Arnseth, H. (Dec. 2006). Learning to Play or Playing to Learn – A Critical Account of the            Models of Communication Informing Educational Research on Computer Gameplay. Game Studies, 76:1. Retrieved from

Frossard, F., Barajas, M., & Trifonova, A. (2012). A Learner-Centred Game-Design Approach:    Impacts on Teachers' Creativity. Digital Education Review, (21), 13-22.

Gee, J. (n.d.). Why are video games good for learning?. Informally published manuscript,             Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI.

Lunce, L. (2006). Simulations: Bringing the Benefits of Situated Learning to the Traditional         Classroom. Journal of Applied Educational Technology, 3:1. Retrieved from

Simpson, E., & Clem, F. A. (2008). Video Games in the Middle School Classroom. Middle           School Journal, 39(4), 4-11.

Skogen, R. (2012). The Boy Who Learned to Read through Sustained Video Game Play: Considering Systematic Resistance to the use of –New Tests- in the Classroom. Journal of Unschooling & Alternative Learning, 6(12), 53-81.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Be sure to beginning your Literature review by defining and describing what your mean by "authentic learning opportunities" Then look for two or three ways video games provide students with those kinds of opportunities.
