Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 6

I had a lot of fun with this week’s project.   I went through a lot of projects and looked at a lot of script.  Originally I tried to write my own script but I got stuck because it was a lot more difficult then I was ready for.  In the end decided to remix someone else’s.  I found one I liked, Intro to Gaia, and went from there.  I chose this project because I liked the idea of incorporating different pictures that inspire me.   Without much thought I knew I wanted to include my family, my dog, and my career.  In the end I am very proud of my project.  I have already shown it to my boyfriend and parents.  I also plan to share it with some friends.  In the past I haven’t considered myself to be technologically savvy but maybe I should give myself more credit.  J

Here is my About Me!


  1. From your About Me I learned that you....have a really cute dog.
    What I like best about your project is....they way you presented yourself with photos.
    One thing I learned about SCRATCH from your project is....I'm auditorilly challenged. You made the sound work and I always have trouble with that component.

  2. From your About Me project I learned that you...that you have a BS in chemistry. I'm impressed.
    What I like best about your project incorporated a lot of photos & the star background.
    One thing I learned about SCRATCh from your project was...that SCRATCH is such a great program, I love that you can download other projects and retool them.

  3. From your About Me project I learned that you want to teach chemistry. What I liked best about your project is the photos you used. One thing I learned about SCRATCH from your project is that there are many different ways to present information.

  4. I really like that this project is making everyone feel like Tekies!

  5. From your About Me project I learned that you want to teach Chemistry, graduated from FSU, have a dog, and love to spend time with your family.
    What I liked best about your project was the background you chose, along with the music for your presentation. I love stars!
    One thing I learned about SCRATCH from your project is that you can put multiple pictures with multiple sprites on the same background and have them interact.

  6. From your About Me project I learned that you...want to teach chemistry.
    What I like best about your project is...that you had different object to click on to represent different aspects of your life.
    One thing I learned about SCRATCh from your project can use sprites to bring up multiple pictures.

  7. From your About Me project I learned that you... you have a cute black dog.
    What I like best about your project is... the pictures you matched up to your interests.
    One thing I learned about SCRATCH from your project was... you can have picture pop up with clicks of the mouse.
