Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your Brain on Video Games

3 things I learned:

1.      An action gamer’s vision is better than a non-action gamer’s vision à better at resolving small detail in clutter and resolving different levels of gray
2.      Action video games can increase processing skills (attention)
3.      During her research she can force someone to play an action game and increase their vision

2 things I agree with:

1.      Not all media is created equal
2.      Action game players have better attention for example ability to track objects all around them

1 question I have:

1.      Has the point where action gaming becomes too much been found or studied?  When is enough enough?

1 comment:

  1. This is important questions. I think we all agree that there are benefits to video games nobody is suggestion kids or adults should be playing them all day!
