Monday, February 4, 2013

Are Video Games Making Kids Smarter?

Are Video Games Making Kids Smarter?

3 things I learned:

1.      I had never heard of the Flynn affect which is the pattern that human intelligence is actually raising over time.  Peoples IQ’s are rising. 
2.      I was very shocked by the following fact: “50% of all innovation, and 70% of Global 2000’s apps will be gamified by 2015” - Gartner

3.      I learned and agree with the statement get out and go play.  Parent should play with their kids and if it’s video games they choose then parents need to learn the game too. 

2 things I agree with:

1.      I agree that games are wired to produce pleasure.  I had never really thought about it like this but once I heard Mr. Zichermann said it I really feel it makes sense.  Games are produced to make people happy.
2.      I agree that a game based curriculum could be useful.  I feel games are good in moderation.  Students feel games are fun therefore educational games are fun too.   

1 question you have

1.      If gaming is so educational why are we not using it more in the classrooms?  I remember playing math games in elementary but do that do that anymore? 

1 comment:

  1. Most educational games do not incorporate the principles of good games and good learning. That is why it is important to understand the principles. It also important to know that you can implement the principles of good games without video games...
